Top ten facts we bet you didn't know about your cat!

1. Cats can't taste sweetness! They are believed to be the only mammal unable to taste sweet things.
2. Most cats are right or left pawed, the same as being right or left handed!
3. A group of cats is called a Clowder!
4. A cat's brain is more similar to a human's brain than a dog's brain!
5. A cat's nose has a set of ridges, similar to a human fingerprint. Each cat's nose is different!
6. When your cat hisses, it isn't a sign of aggression. It's a sign of fear and stress.
7. Cats are nature's most picky eaters, and would rather starve to death than eat food they don't like. Literally!
8. An average housecat could beat Usain Bolt in a race.
9. Cats can dream, just like humans!
10. Cats don't have collarbones, which means they are able to fit through any space larger than their head.