The search is over! After nearly two years of searching for the purrfect location, we have signed a lease!

We realized early on that our space would either make or break the business. There were a lot of factors to consider when looking at places.

The most important aspect for us was being able to create a healthy environment for cats, as our mission is to increase feline adoptions by providing a comfortable home-like atmosphere for the cats. We prioritized places that had lots of windows, height, places for cats to escape from humans, and opportunities for fun cat furniture.

The second biggest factor was interior layout. In order to comply with Island Health's regulations, a specific layout is needed to separate the cats from the kitchen. In theory, it sounded easy enough to find a layout that worked with minimal renovations. However, it proved to be much more difficult than expected.

Accessibility was another big focus. Cat cafes could be considered a niche business, so making sure our business is accessible to as many of our potential customers as possible is important. We considered wheelchair accessibility, parking, bus routes, and proximity to ferries and cruise ships.

Other major factors included area of town, foot traffic, exterior marketing opportunities, and state of repair.

View of the unit from below

With so many factors, we knew we wouldn't be able to check off everything on our list. But we're excited to announce that we found a place we're happy with!

Our official location is in Old City Quarter, which is exactly where we hoped to be! We're at #204-427 Fitzwilliam St.

While the unit being upstairs may not be the most ideal, we think the cats will be happy and healthy here!

We look forward to seeing you when we open in August (hopefully)!

For those who are unable to use stairs, please know it was not an easy decision to choose a space that isn't accessible and we continue to look into accessibility options. We also plan on having a "popup" cat cafe elsewhere on the island in the future to bring our business to a more accessible location for you, even if only for a day!

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Well, there's nothing quite like a global pandemic to crush one's dreams

It's a Hot Cat Summer

It's a Hot Cat Summer

A pop-up cat cafe?!

A pop-up cat cafe?!


Sandra Clark

Such a great idea and it’s checking so many boxes for our family. Hope that despite the challenges your business will thrive!


Lovely Idea!
My daughter and I have volunteered for a cat rescue group…will you be needing
any volunteers.
We love all kitties
Much success

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